My Long Walk in France
From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic in 2010
Oops -
You beat me to it

I've not walked this far -
I haven't reported yet

Or maybe I don't
want to report

Would you want to report if you were in
l'infirmerie lunatique des randonneurs gériatriques?
Or detained by the gendarmerie?

Or you earned too late that the water in the Canal du Midi is rich in
 parasites from the rodents that infest the tree roots on its banks?
Maybe I'm the winning ice sculpture on la montagne noire?

Or I'm eating chocolates at home, wondering
how long I can continue this fabrication?

Please hit your browser's back button to

return to my last-known whereabouts.
And check back soon for the
rest of the story.


© 2010 Daryl May